Weekly Community Impact Dive

Communities Finest!

Welcome back to our weekly dive into Community Impact. We're thrilled to have you onboard for our weekly 101! 🥳

This week, we're igniting a flame for change as we spotlight the transformative potential of one organization putting community first, the biggest NGO event in Ghana we got featured in; Africa Non Profit Summit and our jumbo pack of community resources to help fuel your passion for community impact.

Let’s dive in….

The Success story of Madina Porter Girls;

There are high chances that you the reader have interacted with the young strong girls with big basins on their head who are always ready to help you carry anything and everything you add to cart while at the market.

Commonly referred to as “Kayayie“.

This is a story of Madina Porter girls who journeyed all the way from the northern parts of Ghana to Accra in hopes to feed their families. Their story tells a tale of resilience, hope, and community support.

Get to witness firsthand how these remarkable young girls are overcoming their challenges and seizing opportunities through vocational training and education at Positive Action For Porter Girls Madina.

Vibe with us at the Africa Non-Profit Summit hosted by NCVO Ghana

This event will be held on 15th May, 2024 at the ISSER Hall, University of Ghana.

The Africa Non-Profit Summit will bring key nonprofit founders, funders, and operators together to explore opportunities, share best practices and forge powerful collaborations that will amplify social impact in Ghana and across the African continent. You will also get the platform to learn, ask questions, meet new people and discover new opportunities.

Get your tickets here by visiting bit.ly/ANPOS24

You know how opportunity knocks once at every man’s door? Well, check out what our resources desk is serving.

Africa's Business Heroes (ABH)
Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding start-up, this Opportunity gives you the chance to put your best foot forward and seize the incredible opportunity that the ABH Prize offers. : Apply here

Community impact 101 how businesses can create positive community Understand more about community impact in this short article .This goes beyond mere corporate social responsibility. It’s about businesses actively engaging in initiatives that directly benefit local communities. Read more


Until next time, thank you for staying aboard the community ship!

Partner appreciation: Mundaly