Welcome to the Community Impact Diary!

Communities Finest!

Hi there 👋 ,

First off, big thanks from the whole Community First Pledge crew! We're seriously pumped about your support. Welcome to our first-ever newsletter! Yep, you heard it right.

This is the start of something awesome, and you're right here at the beginning! 👊

So you might be wondering, “why am I getting this?” … Simple.

You've been part of our community buzz. Whether you're slaying it in business, just living life, or making waves in your network, you're all about that community life.

And why should you stick around? Because Community First Pledge is like a seed that's gonna grow into a hive of buzzing impact-makers. And we want you right there with us, making things happen.

Lastly, why should you care about our stuff? Well, think of it as a workout for your impact muscles. Plus, it's stuff you'll wanna share with your crew and learn from, all while having a blast. 😎

Glasses Join Us GIF by nounish ⌐◨-◨

Gif by nounish on Giphy

And hey, if we start to bore you (which, trust us, we'll try not to), you can bail. But keep tabs on our socials for the good stuff.

Thank you and we hope you enjoy the ride!

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